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2019 | 2 weeks | Illustrator CC | Photoshop | 3D Printer | CorelDraw 


» Choose one typographical character and compose an interactive 3D object

» Draw from the root of the character and


The typographical letter chosen was the stylistic ligature ff; the design concentrates on the assembling of type machines, using rectangular blocks to present each letter—which are continued to form clusters and eventually words in a sentence, sentences in a paragraph, paragraphs in an article, and so on.

The premise of this stamp stems from the process of line casting and manual stamping. As technology continued to advance throughout the ages, this project is used to define both aspects of mechanical and hand stamping by altering the pieces in revealing either form; the block form representing the ligature that is placed in the linotype machines and printed uniformically, and the standing ff exhibiting the looks of a personalized handicraft.

Since block form is quite small (1.5 in x 2.75 in x 2.25 in), all five of the CAD-designed pieces are printed with High Temperature Polyjet Resin to ensure stability on the smaller parts when diassembled. It also demonstates a moment in history with a modern technique — 3D printing — and material — plastic.

Skyler Tse © 2022